Tryptophan Isn’t What Puts You Under on Thanksgiving. It’s the Carbs


Many people believe that the tryptophan in turkey is what causes them to feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal. However, the real culprit is actually the high amount of carbohydrates consumed…

Tryptophan Isn’t What Puts You Under on Thanksgiving. It’s the Carbs

Many people believe that the tryptophan in turkey is what causes them to feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal. However, the real culprit is actually the high amount of carbohydrates consumed during the feast.

Carbohydrates, especially those found in stuffing, mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls, cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This spike is then followed by a crash, which can leave you feeling lethargic and ready for a nap.

The tryptophan in turkey does play a role in promoting relaxation and drowsiness, but in order for it to have any significant effect, it needs to be consumed on an empty stomach and in a much higher dose than what is typically found in a serving of turkey.

In reality, it is the combination of carbs and tryptophan that can contribute to feeling tired after a holiday meal. Instead of blaming the turkey, think about the extra helpings of stuffing and pie that you indulged in.

So next time you feel the post-Thanksgiving slump, remember that it’s not the turkey’s fault. It’s the carbs that are weighing you down and making you crave a cozy spot on the couch.

Ultimately, moderation is key when it comes to enjoying holiday meals. Be mindful of your carb intake and try to balance it out with some protein and vegetables to avoid feeling overly tired and sluggish.

While tryptophan may get all the blame, it’s the carbs that do the heavy lifting when it comes to causing that post-feast exhaustion. So enjoy your Thanksgiving meal, but maybe skip that second helping of mashed potatoes to avoid nodding off before dessert.

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